This is what my eyes see..

This is what my body feels..

This is what my heart desires..

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Never Thought I'd Know You

The following was once a dedication for someone i have valued in my life. I made this years ago and I was kinda surprised to see it in my old old blog. I wonder who would be the 1st one to notice whom i dedicated this for.

*** Never Thought I'd Know You ***

Miles apart we are..
Yet it happend though we're afar..

Did destiny brought us together..
Eventually time will reveal FOREVER..
Aren't things so surprising..
Right now, you're my everything..

Will you really be forever mine..
I wanna know.. but that needs time..
For now I only know one thing..
Endless happiness is what you bring..

Red roses bloom each day..
Unbelievable as they sway..
Beautiful but really thorny..
Yet so pretty as you hug me..

And now that time reveals something..
No one knows what it could bring..
Nice and easy, things should be..
Even if destiny forbids, our dreams will become reality.

EDIT: Found the actual file, here it is..

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