This is what my eyes see..

This is what my body feels..

This is what my heart desires..

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sushi, Katsu, and a Busy Day at Work

It's Monday, people haven't gone back to their "working mode" status yet. But not our department! We were bombarded with lots of things to today. There's the monthly re-cap that we need to start already. Then mountains of documents that are needed to be filed in their proper places. Add a bunch more of requests of making new forms!

Anyway, this post isn't just about that. First, let's talk about.. our lunch! Ok ok.. so on with the story..

I and my co-worker Brigitte were so hungry already at around 11:00am. So we decided to just eat sushi in a nearby Japanese restaurant called Ricky's Sushi for lunch. We ordered a Japanese Gyoza for an appetizer then I ordered a Chicken Katsu which comes with a cup of rice and a serving of salad. But guess what my hungry friend ordered? She ordered a Ricky Spicy Spicy (a chef special) and a Volcano Roll (another chef special LOL!).

Here are some pictures..

 Japanese Gyoza
(I know I know.. some pieces are already missing.. Blame Brigitte!)

The Volcano Roll
(Comes with Scallops on Top)
This is the Ricky Spicy Spicy
(This one has Salmon Belly)

What? Where's my Chicken Katsu? I already ate it! Oh the picture? Yes we took a picture. I'm still waiting for Brigitte to email it to me though.. I'll update this post as soon as I receive the rest of the pictures.

Feeling hungry now? Me too. I felt hunger again as soon as I saw the pictures.. Anyway.. on with the story..

It took us more than an hour for our lunch. Not because we ate so slow. It's because the food takes a long time to reach your table. Why? Your order is freshly made ofcourse! The store is being run by only 2 people, Ricky (the owner), and another guy whom I think is a very close friend. They're really nice. The taste of the food they serve is excellent from the presentation till the moment that the last drop of taste leaves your tongue.

It's our 2nd time to eat there (1st one was a to-go order though) and we already love the place. I'll give it a 4.5 out 5 based on the food quality, the cleanliness of the place, and the hospitality of the staff. If not for the slow time of serving the food, I would have easily give it 5 stars!

Ok, back to work.. I normally get around 2-3 requests about forms to be made in a week. But today, just for today only, I got 22 different forms! And they needed them all today! Typing out a new form is easy, fitting it on a specific template is the hard part, specially when you need to take into consideration how the form will be used, where the holes will be put, or how it will affect the chart.

I tried to finish everything but sadly, my wrists are hurting already. So I had to stop. There's something called "Tomorrow" anyway.. I got off from work at around 8:30 PM (I know! Overtime again $_$). Went straight to my car after clocking out and vroom! Off to go home.. and I'm now here.. posting this thing.. :P


  1. Mark the 2nd and 3rd pictures have the wrong name. The one with the salmon is "Ricky Spicy Spicy" and the one with the scallops is called "Volcano." lol good posting and you stayed late, Again? Geez. Lol see you tomorrow -Brigitte-

  2. OMG! See! I'm so hungry earlier I don't even pay attention to the names.. LOL! I'll fix it right away..


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