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Thursday, January 20, 2011

So What Really is AdSense?

When I started, all i knew was that AdSense is a program from Google that you can use to put ads on your website and get paid for it if someone visits your site, gets interested with ads, then clicks them. Pretty simple you think? It's not that easy..

AdSense also have rules of course. Like you can't click the ads on your own website. You also can't use another computer to click on them coz that's cheating. You can't also ask someone to click the ads for you with a promise of an incentive of any sort. To make it short and simple, you can't do anything except customizing where they go in your website, what size, or form, and of course, advertise your website to generate more traffic.

Anyway, I have received messages too that AdSense is just a big scam! Wait! What?! A scam? How? Well, some says that whenever they reach, or before they reach the minimum cap ($100), AdSense would close their account, claiming that the account had fraudulent activities to generate money.

So I tried to investigate a little bit. I visited several blog sites of people that I don't know of and asked the owner and the followers of those sites if they have gotten any payment from AdSense since they started using it. To my surprise and disappointment, out of 50 blogs with at least 10 responses from different followers, only 1 has claimed to have received payment from AdSense. That one single person also noted that he got payed when he closed his account way before he got $100 earnings. The rest of them who didn't get paid either have had their account closed by Adsense account before their earnings reached the $100 minimum or their account was closed right after they reached $100 minimum, both scenario being claimed by AdSense that the accounts had fraudulent activities but won't disclose any information regarding the violations that were committed.

So what do you guys think? I'm planning to investigate further and try to ask more people. I'll keep my AdSense also and will wait till I reach the $100 minimum then see what happens. Will I join the majority of people who didn't get paid, or will I be with the only person I have talked to that got paid coz he closed his account prematurely?

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