This is what my eyes see..

This is what my body feels..

This is what my heart desires..

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lucid Dreams

Has any one of you ever encountered a dream that you felt like you were awake but couldn't move, speak, or do anything? I'm writing this post because it just happened to me last night.. and it's so scary! My dream went like this..

I was really sleepy last night so I went ahead and tried to go to sleep. Normally, I face towards my right side whenever I sleep. And as soon as I closed my eyes, I felt like my whole energy inside my body was drained out in an instant. I tried to open my eyes. It was so dark but I could still recognize the silhouette of the door. I tried to get out of bed to get some water but then, I couldn't move! My whole body was paralyzed! I started to get nervous. I did everything I could to drag myself out of bed. Then I fell off the bed! So, I was awakened (or so i thought). I drank the remaining water on top of my bedside table and I felt relieved. I then went back to bed and closed my eyes.

A few minutes later, the same thing happened again! But this time, I was not paralyzed totally. I even managed to drag myself out of the door before i tripped and fell on the floor just outside my parents' room. But wait.. How come I didn't hit anything? I mean, the moment I fell, I should have hit the door. I should have hit the cabinet too and made a loud noise. What's going on? Then I realized, I must have been dreaming the same way again. And almost instantly, I found myself lying in bed, facing towards my right side, and hugging a hotdog pillow. I thought everything is ok now. But when I tried to turn to my left side, I couldn't move! I'm paralyzed again! I tried to exert everything that was left on me to move. But the moment that my body started turning, My eyes suddenly opened up. And now I'm fully awake. It was that time when I realized that I had been probably dreaming while on another dream, and I have just woke up.
Since I was kinda freaked out and scared, I made a quick search with my bestfriend, Google, and I found out that such phenomenon really happens. And it's called a "Lucid Dream".

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