This is what my eyes see..

This is what my body feels..

This is what my heart desires..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Flat Tire and AAA Roadside Assist Experience

January 24, 2010 at 12:00 AM

I drove to Long Beach together with my younger brother to to take our cousin home. The road is almost empty. It's dark and you can't see a thing past where my headlights cover.

12:45 AM

We arrived at my cousin's house. We dropped him off and we headed back home. On our way back, we had a detour because the junction from 710-N to 91-E is closed. I had to take 91-W and exit on the next ramp, and take the opposite ramp towards 91-E.

Around 1:00 AM to 1:10 AM

When we got back on track, I noticed that one of the tires on my side (the driver side) sounds a bit louder than it used to when i run over a reflector in the freeway. I kinda wondered why and thought that maybe i have a flat tire but the the handling of the car hasn't changed. It doesn't feel heavy to turn or change lane. It doesn't shake. And it doesn't pull to the side. So I just kept on going for a little bit farther..

A few miles later...

I still can't get the loud sound off my mind so I decided to pull over. I took the exit ramp in Norwarlk just after the 91 and 605 junction. I stopped in the parking in front of Jollibee, located near Seafood City.

1:15 AM

I was surprised to see my left front tire flat, and as I get closer to the tire, I could hear air escaping. I remembered that I have a spare tire in my trunk so I went ahead and checked. Then I realized that I don't have the needed tool to remove the cover for the wheel locks! Great!

1:20 AM

I had to call Roadside Assist. I gave AAA a call and after a few information gathering, I was told that help will arrive at around 45 minutes to 1 hour. Great! So I decided to take a nap or at least close my eyes.

1:30 AM

I heard a beeping sound of a backing-up truck. When I looked outside the car, the tow truck was already there! Wow that was fast! The guy helped us out. He changed my flat tire into my spare tire and he made sure that the tires have the right pressure. After a signature, he then left.

2:00 AM

We were back on the road. Of course, my brother is asleep.. Gosh, he snores like a boat!

2:30 AM

We arrived home. I was tired and sleepy already so I went straight to bed after changing clothes.. And that's the reason why this post is late.. LOL!

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