This is what my eyes see..

This is what my body feels..

This is what my heart desires..

Saturday, January 29, 2011

$178 Later

9:45 AM, Monday, January 25, 2011

I brought tire to Sears Auto Center. I had them check my the puncture or cause of deflation of my tire. Eventually they found the hole and unfortunately, it is on the side wall, making the tire unrepairable. I had to purchased a new tire that costs $140 plus installation fee and taxes that totals to $178!

Lessons learned:
1. Having 22" rim on a heavy sedan (Cadillac CTS) = Good
- With a flat tire, the car still kept going without any unnoticeable change in handling or stability. Car's ride height didn't change much. That's without a run-flats.

2. Replacing one of these big tires is too expensive.
- These tires cost twice as much as a regular tire.

5:45 PM

I went back to Sears Auto Center to pick up my new tire. They installed it in just a few minutes and re-checked all tire pressures. I went home straight after paying the whole cost and damn, it really hurts in my pocket.. Hopefully this new  tire will last for a year or so..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Flat Tire and AAA Roadside Assist Experience

January 24, 2010 at 12:00 AM

I drove to Long Beach together with my younger brother to to take our cousin home. The road is almost empty. It's dark and you can't see a thing past where my headlights cover.

12:45 AM

We arrived at my cousin's house. We dropped him off and we headed back home. On our way back, we had a detour because the junction from 710-N to 91-E is closed. I had to take 91-W and exit on the next ramp, and take the opposite ramp towards 91-E.

Around 1:00 AM to 1:10 AM

When we got back on track, I noticed that one of the tires on my side (the driver side) sounds a bit louder than it used to when i run over a reflector in the freeway. I kinda wondered why and thought that maybe i have a flat tire but the the handling of the car hasn't changed. It doesn't feel heavy to turn or change lane. It doesn't shake. And it doesn't pull to the side. So I just kept on going for a little bit farther..

A few miles later...

I still can't get the loud sound off my mind so I decided to pull over. I took the exit ramp in Norwarlk just after the 91 and 605 junction. I stopped in the parking in front of Jollibee, located near Seafood City.

1:15 AM

I was surprised to see my left front tire flat, and as I get closer to the tire, I could hear air escaping. I remembered that I have a spare tire in my trunk so I went ahead and checked. Then I realized that I don't have the needed tool to remove the cover for the wheel locks! Great!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Netflix: Satisfies Your Craving on Movies

Netflix eh? Yes! Netflix! N, E, T, F, L, I, X. Netflix! Ok, so what is Netflix? Come on people, use Google to search it up.. Just kidding!

*Netflix is a service offering online flat rate DVD and Blu-ray disc rental-by-mail and video streaming in the United States. Established in 1997 and headquartered in Los Gatos, California, it has amassed a collection of 100,000 titles and approximately 10 million subscribers. 

Fortunately, I am one of that approximately-10-million subscribers and I'm really happy being one. I have a monthly payment of $13.99 and that comes with unlimited movie streaming anytime, anywhere plus unlimited rental of 2 DVDs of my choice (using DVD Queue) delivered to my doorstep at a time and without due dates or penalty fees! So for me, this service is really worth getting. It's really cheap compared to other services like Blockbuster or even the $1 per night rental on RedBox! But of course, there's a catch. Not all the new releases are available in Netflix for streaming nor with a DVD. You'll gonna have to wait a little bit longer for those movies.

Interested now in Netflix? Wait! Don't leave my site yet! Let me tell you first how I maximize the DVDs I get per month!

So What Really is AdSense?

When I started, all i knew was that AdSense is a program from Google that you can use to put ads on your website and get paid for it if someone visits your site, gets interested with ads, then clicks them. Pretty simple you think? It's not that easy..

AdSense also have rules of course. Like you can't click the ads on your own website. You also can't use another computer to click on them coz that's cheating. You can't also ask someone to click the ads for you with a promise of an incentive of any sort. To make it short and simple, you can't do anything except customizing where they go in your website, what size, or form, and of course, advertise your website to generate more traffic.

Anyway, I have received messages too that AdSense is just a big scam! Wait! What?! A scam? How? Well, some says that whenever they reach, or before they reach the minimum cap ($100), AdSense would close their account, claiming that the account had fraudulent activities to generate money.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sushi, Katsu, and a Busy Day at Work

It's Monday, people haven't gone back to their "working mode" status yet. But not our department! We were bombarded with lots of things to today. There's the monthly re-cap that we need to start already. Then mountains of documents that are needed to be filed in their proper places. Add a bunch more of requests of making new forms!

Anyway, this post isn't just about that. First, let's talk about.. our lunch! Ok ok.. so on with the story..

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Clean Your Computer

Is your computer running so slow now compared to when you have just bought it? Yes? Then don't get frustrated any more.

I'll be featuring some programs that could help you with PC problems. I'll be including a how-to guide from configuring to using them..

And to start it off.. Let me introduce this trust-worthy program I've been using for the past years that has helped me a lot from simply cleaning up and removing junk from my computer to worse cases like cleaning a virus infections that my anti-virus have failed to block or removed.

Piriform's CCleaner

1. Download and install CCleaner from Piriform's Website.

2. Once, installed, run the program. But do not just skip the next few steps.

Plants VS Zombies

Have you tried to play the game Plants VS Zombies? If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a screenie from the game:

Basically, you fill up your lawn with plants to defend your house against invading zombies. It's really fun and addicting! You guys need to try it!

Anyway, this post isn't all about the game itself.. I've been looking for something else related to this game but I couldn't find something that I could really get. Until..

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lucid Dreams

Has any one of you ever encountered a dream that you felt like you were awake but couldn't move, speak, or do anything? I'm writing this post because it just happened to me last night.. and it's so scary! My dream went like this..

I was really sleepy last night so I went ahead and tried to go to sleep. Normally, I face towards my right side whenever I sleep. And as soon as I closed my eyes, I felt like my whole energy inside my body was drained out in an instant. I tried to open my eyes. It was so dark but I could still recognize the silhouette of the door. I tried to get out of bed to get some water but then, I couldn't move! My whole body was paralyzed! I started to get nervous. I did everything I could to drag myself out of bed. Then I fell off the bed! So, I was awakened (or so i thought). I drank the remaining water on top of my bedside table and I felt relieved. I then went back to bed and closed my eyes.

From Cupid to Psyche: Full Version

Here's the full version of that letter I posted earlier that cupid made for psyche:

It was the 20th of January 09 when we first talked..

Like a snap, we became friends..
Over the days, we came close and closer..
Valuing every single moment we're together..
Eventually, we fell inlove with each other..

New Zodiac Signs? WTH?

Well, I was at work when I learned about this New Zodiac Signs. I was like "wth?" O.O
So I asked my bestfriend Google about it 'coz I wasn't sure about what everyone was talking about. And guess what? After years and years of being a Gemini, I'm now going to become a Taurus? O.O

Here's the New Zodiac Signs with the new corresponding days and months.

Aries : April 19 to May 13
Taurus : May 14 to June 19
Gemini : June 20 to July 20
Cancer : July 21 to August 9
Leo : August 10 to September 15
Virgo : September 16 to October 30
Libra : October 31 to November 22
Scorpio : November 23 to November 29
Ophiuchus : November 30 to December 17
Sagittarius : December 18 to January 18
Capricorn : January 19 to February 15
Aquarius : February 16 to March 11
Pisces : March 12 to April 18

Ok, now some of you would probably be wondering (just like me earlier) what the heck was Ophiuchus. Here are some details regarding the new zodiac and it's discovery:

From Cupid to Psyche

The following letter was made by ~*Cupid for ~*Psyche a while back then.. Let's read along to see the message..

Never Thought I'd Know You

The following was once a dedication for someone i have valued in my life. I made this years ago and I was kinda surprised to see it in my old old blog. I wonder who would be the 1st one to notice whom i dedicated this for.

Welcome Back

Ok ok.. So, I've decided to go back to blogging (again). Why? No clue either, maybe just for fun? Or I could just be seeking something to waste my extra time (wait, what? do i really have extra?).

Well since I'm back to blogging, I'd probably be pulling out my old blog posts from my previous (and really really old) blog. In a few minutes, or maybe hours, or days.. I'll be posting them..

To all my visitors (if ever i have any), please enjoy your stay, and have fun reading!

Thank you in advance.

- The Author

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